Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Weight Tarining Diet

So you have started a weight training program, and now you want to start a supportive weight training diet. Just like your weight training program is going to have to change on a regular basis to prevent your body from plateauing, so should your diet. ”The way you look on the outside is just a print out of what’s going on inside your body: says Rafael Moret, creator of My Nutrition House Call.com. The same way you put time and thought into your weight training program, you should put time and thought into your weight training diet. Countless hours in the gym weight training are not going to give you the fitness results you want if you are not giving yourself the adequate nutrition.
How do you know what to eat? Zero carbs, high protein or low fat, no sugar? A lot of calories or not? First you want to realize that everyone is different, and when I say different I don’t mean some people have a faster metabolism then others, remember your are in control of that. I mean we all have different fitness goals. So there is not one meal plan that fits everyone. Some people want weight loss, others want an increase in lean muscle. So for what ever reason you decide to start a weight training program your eating habits, your weight training diet, should support your fitness goals.
Let’s start with the basics. Your body is not concerned with the way you look. It’s only goal is survival. So if you fight it by not providing it with enough energy, calories, during the day it will do what it has to survive. It takes about 3 to 3 ½ hours to digest a meal. So if you have your last meal of the day at 6 or 7 pm and then your next meal is not till 7 or 8 am then you need to see how there is a 12-14 hour gap between meals. That’s why breakfast (breaking the fast) is the most important meal, it gets your metabolism going for the day. The about 3 to 3 ½ hours later it’ time to eat. What happens if you skip a meal? Your metabolism slows down. Then you have lunch and then dinner, do you see how you are the one slowing down your metabolism, the rate at which your body processes food for energy, by skipping meals. You add a weight training program to that and your requirements for calories are higher, so you need to eat more.
What kind of food? A good rule of thumb is to divide your plate into 3 parts. The first part should be a lean protein, chicken, fish or egg whites. The second part should be a starchy carbohydrate, rice, pasts, or bread. The last part should be a fibrous carbohydrate, fruits or vegetables. All in equal amounts. How much? Well, eat until you are not hungry any more, not till you are overly stuffed. It should take 3 to 3 ½ hours to digest, and then repeat. Your weight training diet will contain all of the elements you need with out have to complicate your life.


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