Thursday, December 07, 2006

4 Simple Holiday Weight Management Tips

Good intentions are tough to keep when tempting treats surround you and errands oust your workouts. But with some planning and creativity, you can keep those 5-10lbs from ever coming on. Here's how.

At home: 15 minutes of ACTIVE stretching before you go to sleep can not only help relieve some stress and help you sleep better, it can also burn some excess calories (about 60-100, that’s 420-700 calories burned just through some active stretching at the end of the week) right before bed time and keep your metabolism going while you sleep (bet you didn’t know you still burn calories while you are sleeping)

At work: Busy this time of year and no time for the gym. Walk up the stairs, skip the elevator or maybe even just a few floors if it’s long flight. When you go to lunch walk somewhere and back. A 15-20 minute walk at lunch time can add up to an hour and 15 minutes – to almost 2 hours of walk time for the week (if you went to the gym 3x per week and walked for 30 minutes you would only get 1 ½ hours of walking). Keep a bottle of water on your desk and keep drinking.

At the mall: Whether you will be in the mall for a long period of time shopping or It’s just a quick trip, Park in the furthest spot you can find (as long as it’s not raining) it will save you time looking for parking and the extra 5 minutes walking in and the extra 5 minutes waling out plus the time you spend walking in the mall, whether it’s 15 minutes or 2 hours, will surely boost your metabolic rate and help you burn some extra calories.

At a party: If you are planning on attending one or several Holiday parties, the food always has a lot to say. It tends to be higher in calories and there are a lot of treats. It’s a time to indulge, but here is a quick tip to save some calories: Drink water with your food, it will save you literally thousands of calories. The sodas, wines, punches and other beverages are packed with calories, and added to the food can be a calorie disaster.


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